martedì 27 dicembre 2011

Disney on Youtube: we'll see the cartoons on the pc? has lost much of its magic, in recent years and the revenues are slowly diminished. You Tube, instead, has become the largest video sharing portal in the world and is experiencing a sudden growth, especially after the implementation of an idea: open channels! In fact, if a time it was on YouTube just to listen to a song or watch the trailer of a movie, now You Tube are taking equal-importance with the search engines. In fact, Internet users will seek news and content and the portal must be able to satisfy their demands. Therefore, nothing better than a partnership with Disney. A bilateral gain, I would say, because You Tube needs to buy credibility in the eyes of parents, fearful and distrustful of "mysterious world of the web". But join with Disney means offering a guarantee: to accommodate the brand which, in absolute, embodies the values educational, child's reach.

A millionaire who provide thematic channels on You Tube, which will be placed eight series, totally new and original, signed Disney Interactive! Children, you know, know the pc more often than their parents and are very insightful about the new digital media. In a nutshell, the tv will go off and you light up a world of entertainment on the pc? Children will be inclined to accept this and are already equipped with Pc, since very small? But, above all, parents leave children alone soletti, in front of the screen? A good bet that, however, provide children to familiarize themselves more with the network, which is the real resource of the future!

martedì 20 dicembre 2011

Kung Fu Panda Legendary Adventures, from November 28, 2011 on Nickelodeon!

The penguins, "Madagascar", landed on tv and made me roar with laughter hundreds of baby viewers. Now, are you ready for an arrival even more "heavy"? This time, it will be Some, the Panda, seemingly bumbling, will show all its "prettiness" in martial arts, five exclusive episodes on Nickelodeon. It is not a joke. It is the first series, created by the film funny adventures of panda and predestined and forged on the success of the first and second chapter of this trip "animalistic" in the magical world of Kung Fu!

The 5 episodes, a sort of pilot that will test the public's interest towards television product, will be aired from November 28, 2011, starting at 20.30. And then, from February 2012, with the first season, full of unexpected masses to the carpet from the cuddly Little! In fact, the exercises are served a lot to the film animal, because now the bravura of Po in juggling moves, taken and shots really is enviable. Inevitable master Shifu and the cute Little friends, Tiger and Viper, all intent to observe how Some will safeguard the good and evil, ever Knockout with its lethal shots! It will be equally good at proving his talent to the supervisors of Kung Fu? New adventures, new struggles and the same fun, with those cute friends who we learned to love on the big screen, but that, finally, we can accommodate in our tv housewives. So yes that will challenge every day! I recommend: Kung Fu Panda, the mythical Adventures.

martedì 13 dicembre 2011

BE Tiger!

This is good time to say that the Internet is finally a community "roaring" is called, is open to all men and women who have a lifestyle without compromise, and different ways of … "Tiger" As? Well, first visited the Community (, we find it online with a rich community of users, all of "hungry" u8230 like a tiger! The community has an attractive look, is colorful, intuitive and easy navigation. A couple of pages visited enough to sharpen claws and feel the Tiger right to enter the group.
The community allows its users to explore three different areas: an area called "competition" that is giving away various prizes related to Tiger products; Another area is called "discounts and Conventions" and is dedicated to registered users of the community, which can receive gift discounts and other genre conventions; the third and final area is that of social "character properly" seen that is giving away prizes and other initiatives, special dedicated monthly contests you win on the basis of "post" and user ratings. is presented then as a new media web 2.0: interactive community, game shows and share their own "post" with other users.

Oh yes, because the community revolves all around his ability to be a reference point for those seeking news, experiences, information, pictures and video, from men and women who have found their way to be tiger in any field of real life. I don't know about you, my way Tiger is right here, in sharing experiences "with attributes" and moments that I have managed better, some sort of "tiger at the square" that is the pride and awareness of own means a weapon. To find perhaps the right way to make new leaps forward. At work, family, friends, leisure and passions, feelings and ideals, each in its own way can show fangs and see how, how, where and why they both heard Tiger. And if you think that the community does not suffice to bring out the tiger that is in you, well, do a little thought to those irresistible cheeses Tiger and opportunities launched by the community in "discounts and conventions" Just say keep the proof of purchase of a product for Tiger to win fantastic prizes … you'll see that your palate will also want to subscribe to the site!

mercoledì 7 dicembre 2011

Facebook: cartoons from 15 to 22 November for the rights of the child!

Childhood is, according to many, the most beautiful period of life: carefree, joyful, full of light-hearted and tender moments. But not for all children is worthy of being remembered and is for all these children less fortunate than us, from 15 to 22 November, we celebrate, our way, the rights of the child, a child that must never be violated, but only protected, and protected at all costs! How to do? Remember the fantastic initiative, born on Facebook, in the 201o? No? Please refresh your memory! Facebook proposed to ask as a profile picture, in the week, the photos of your favorite cartoon character, what little there was a smile or what feeling heroes out of the ordinary. Well, this year, the initiative that went fine, again. Are you ready to join? Just a little to remember that childhood is untouchable, because magical and innocent. Just post the gentle Nudges or the Nice Pollon, tenacious Heidi or sly Tweety. Many animated images, to remind the world that the love for children and for all that it is not extinguished, but remains valuable in a corner of our heart. Then? You follow my advice? Choose a banner, to scream to the world that children should be loved and protected by the hardness of life? Undecided on the image by post? There are a lot of us! Let us know if you like them or not! The week of children's rights; rights that should be remembered, however, and imprinted in our moral code 365 days a year!

mercoledì 30 novembre 2011

Woody Woodpecker theme song and Laugh: but also a film at the cinema!

Woody Woodpecker is an animated character dating back to 1940 and therefore unknown to younger generations. But you know, the task of the great directors of animation, today, is to create a winning merchandising only with a character from the film, dusting off the animated story. Woody Woodpecker is a nice feathery that already with its unmistakable laugh and his undeniable verve, has the potential to beat at the box office! If it will be "restructured" in 3d, then, the success will be guaranteed!

Will be Illumination Entertainment to attempt the feat. Yea, the maker of hits like Me very bad. The project is only in the yard, saw that all the attention at the time, are pointed towards the Lorax, a fantasy film by alone that we proposed a few days ago. But it is already an interesting project, there seems? How nice to give the possibility for children today to redécouvrir characters who maybe were celebrated when their grandparents were small! A generational Exchange artistic and unique. Materials that will reinvent … This is the great challenge of world animation! With the Smurfs, the experiment went great! Happen even with the mythical bird since toward harassing? And to think that its inventor conceived him thanks to an inspiration that he was on honeymoon. Yes, after a night disturbed due to the activities of a woodpecker molesta, decided to give life to this feathery killjoy! We propose of lengths of this cartoon really old-fashioned, but of those who do still smiling, waiting to find out how modernity and the Nice Woody Woodpecker's laugh will merge together!

giovedì 24 novembre 2011

Lorax, 2012 Movie Trailer and Cast: how much is hard to protect the environment!

In the peculiar world of today, and against the cartoons were the perfect moralists. If you do not know how to take right decisions, sometimes just sit in a cinema and 3d scenes, and realistic effects, will head the healthiest values. Despicable me there taught that everyone can change, improve, loving and, eventually, don't waste your life doing the wrong thing. And the producers of the successful film Universal there Lorax try again with a film, skillfully directed, with other moral objectives to be achieved! Which Ones? Respect for the love and the protection of the environment! And tell me if it is not!

But who are these Lorax? Are some horrible faces creatures of invention that come from a strange land, but, in some ways, with problems very familiar! Lorax seems a funny hairy potato with moustache and, flatly, not just a nice character. So much so that, when Ted, the protagonist of the film, twelve crosses her Street, in a desperate attempt to find a magic filter, anything that might draw him his beloved that, actually, if the row of smear, the creature the reserve just a nasty treatment! Then, though, Ted discovers that behind that distrust is a harsh reality affecting the world's Truffula, one from which comes his surly buddy. Here, in fact, many trees will be slaughtered if Once-Ier won't be stopped. Who is this? It is the speculator of round …  One who get rich, but stealing all the wool that these strange trees, produce to create clothes and earn! Ted help her grumpy friend to prevent the end of his land? And will make you fall in love with the Lorax as hopelessly two humans? An adventure that promises really well, especially because it teaches us to fight for the health of our Earth and the environment!

martedì 15 novembre 2011